Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can Dentures Be Adjusted?

It would not be erroneous to illustrate that dentures are a marvel of modern Dentistry. They help thousands of people smile with confidence, chew more functionally, and eat without any hassles. Nowadays, with the advancement in Dental science, there are various levels of dentures, and some of them can be adjusted.

Types of Dentures that We Can Adjust
Removable partial dentures are appliances that comprise replacement teeth with pink or gum-colored plastic bases to fit into a person’s mouth. Removable partial dentures are customized to match the patients’ mouths seamlessly. They are used when a person has lost some of their teeth but are more comfortable with a denture that they can remove time and again. It is noteworthy to mention that Fixed Partial dentures are also available, and they cannot be adjusted.

We can define a removable partial denture as having a metal framework and clasps that aptly connect to the teeth to give the patient a natural and aesthetically pleasing look. A removable denture has various advantages, including higher durability, strength, flexibility, convenience, and better looks. But, they can be a tad bit more expensive. It is noteworthy to highlight that partial or adjustable dentures are most widely recommended for patients who cannot get a dental bridge. Likewise, another type of denture that is adjustable is retained dentures. They are used when a patient requires retention due to bone loss. But, unlike partial dentures, retained dentures have to be removed and cleaned every day. Lastly, immediate dentures are also adjustable. They are used when a patient desires to have their teeth extracted and dentures fixed on the same day.

In conclusion, we can safely mention that the diversity in dentures is such that there is something for everyone. If you want removable or partial dentures, you can quickly get them. 

 Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!