Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can I brush my retainer with toothpaste?

So, your braces are ready to come off. Congratulations. The excitement is natural since you have put so much time and effort into crafting that perfect smile. But perhaps, you have learned that you will now have to wear a retainer as a final step to permanent teeth alignment.

You still have a lot to celebrate. Retainers are less noticeable and are easy to take care of- Easier than braces. Irrespective of the type of retainer you will get, ensure you know how to take care of it.

Why should I clean a retainer?

Bacteria, tartar, and plaque can accumulate on your retainer, just like on the surfaces and crevices of your teeth. Plaque is a gluey, white film of bacteria and carbohydrates that, if allowed to build up on your teeth, is the ultimate cause of cavities and gum disease. 

If not eliminated with a good oral hygiene routine, plaque can harden into tartar; a dentist can only remove that.

How to take care of your retainer?

  1. Rinse your retainer every time you take it out of the mouth. It will help remove the saliva and prevent any build-up.
  2. Once a week, try in-depth cleaning. You can thoroughly clean your retainer in lukewarm water with antibacterial dish soap or hand soap.

Can I use toothpaste to brush my retainer?

No. Never use toothpaste to clean your retainer. Toothpaste contains abrasive material, and using the same on your retainer can slowly degrade it. To eliminate excess debris, you can get a specialized effervescent cleaning solution for retainers.