Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can I Pop an Abscess On My Gum?

A tooth abscess is an injection of the dental pulp that is very painful and equally dangerous. A tooth abscess may manifest as a bump along the gums with pus inside. Although we have to remember that treating a dental abscess is not possible at home, there are ways to drain or pop the abscess. 

Steps to Pop a Dental Abscess at Home

  • The first step is to wash your hands, sanitize the needle by placing it under boiling water for two minutes, and apply some clove oil on your dental abscess to numb it as much as possible. After sanitizing the needle, you should place it on a clean cloth free of germs. 
  • After the preparation is done, you can opt for either one of the trajectories to pop your abscess. Firstly, you can take it slow and drain the abscess steadily and purposefully, or you can take things extremely fast and get done with everything within minutes. If you desire to follow the first technique, you have to insert the abscess until it pops slowly and the pus comes out. If you want to take the Swiffer path, you must jab the needle in the abscess and pop it within seconds. 
  • After the abscess is popped, you can drain the pus quickly. If the pus is sluggish to drain, you can massage the cheeks to hasten the process. As soon as the abscess is drained, take a mix of hydrogen peroxide and rinse your mouth with it. Moreover, it would be helpful if you kept your mouth immaculately clean for the next 24 hours. You should consume soft vegetables and drink water only. 

You may face several complications despite the possibility of popping an abscess at home. So, we would recommend that you seek professional help and get the abscess drained by an expert.