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Does Invisalign make your teeth straight?

For people looking to give their teeth a perfect shape, Invisalign is the option. Invisalign is a form of dental braces used to adjust and straighten the teeth. It is different from the traditional braces as it is easy to handle, made from plastic, transparent and light-weighted. Invisalign works on crooked teeth and will help you straighten your teeth no matter how misaligned they are.

The process of teeth straightening

To straighten your teeth, you have to wear a series of Invisalign aligners; each aligner tray will move your teeth slightly, so the next series of aligners can do its job and move your teeth to the desired position. It is important to wear your Invisalign aligners properly for best results. Moreover, each time you wear your aligners, it will make your teeth slightly sore, and after some time, they will feel loose, which is an indication that it is time to wear the next series of aligners. Once the patient wears all the aligners in the series, the teeth will get a perfect square shape. The patients have to wear 20-30 Invisalign trays in most cases. 

In addition, some people confuse retainers with Invisalign aligners, but Invisalign is not a retainer. After you finish your Invisalign treatment, your dentist will give you retainers to wear to keep your teeth in place.

How much time can Invisalign take to straighten your teeth?

The time frame of the treatment depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. If your teeth are slightly crooked and do not need much straightening, it will take less time, and if you have misaligned teeth, it could take more time to treat them. In Invisalign treatment, the teeth move to the desired position in a set manner. If you try to speed up the process, it could cause unnecessary damage and irritation to your teeth. 

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment, it is important to consult your dentist for proper treatment.