Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How can I get braces for the shortest time?

Braces are frequently used to treat dental misalignment over a long period. The period you wear braces depends on your treatment needs, but your habits might also influence how long you wear them.

While wearing braces, make sure you follow the instructions and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This can help your treatment plan be more effective and help you avoid having to wear braces for longer periods.

Making your own treatment decisions will not allow you to reduce the amount of time you spend wearing braces. If you don’t follow your orthodontist’s directions, you might have to wear braces for longer.

Here are some tips that you can follow:

  • Consult an orthodontist about your treatment requirements and concerns. They might be able to change your treatment based on significant life events, but they won’t know until you tell them. An orthodontist may be able to identify a successful treatment that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time while also addressing these issues.
  • It is important to have a desirable diet. If you don’t listen to your orthodontist about what you can and can’t eat while wearing braces, you could increase the time you have to wear them. Parts of your braces can break off if you eat sticky, hard, or crunchy foods. Raw veggies and popcorn are among the foods on this list. If your braces break, it may influence how long you have to wear them and necessitate an emergency appointment.
  • To avoid a lengthy need for braces, consider taking an active role in your treatment plan. You can do the following:
    • Have your orthodontist adjust your braces regularly.
    • Follow the clear aligner and other appliance directions.
    • Have your teeth cleaned every six months by your dentist.

If you need more tips and guidance, you can contact your dentist for scheduling an appointment.