Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How do I take care of my teeth during the holidays?

Maintaining your health over the holidays is difficult. With all of the gift-wrapping and card-writing, there isn’t much time left over for you and your family’s health and well-being, and sweets seem to be everywhere. You may indulge in seasonal treats while maintaining a cavity-free smile for your holiday photos. During the holidays, these suggestions will keep your teeth healthy.

  • Don’t consume too much candy: It’s the most lovely time of the year for cookies, popcorn balls, and candy canes, but this never-ending spread of sweets can do serious damage to your teeth, warns dentist Steven Chussid. At Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, he teaches dental medicine as an associate professor.

You don’t have to forgo holiday sweets, though. Eat one dessert and then rinse your teeth, advises Chussid. With one treat, you’ll expose your teeth to less sugar than if you were continually eating, which lowers the chance of dental decay.

  • Follow your routine:  Keep a toothbrush and small tube of toothpaste in your bag or briefcase for on-the-go convenience, and schedule a time to “freshen up” after meals. If brushing your teeth isn’t an option, chew sugarless gum instead. It increases saliva production, aids in flushing out food particles, and has other benefits.
  • Snack wisely: To shell nuts, use a nutcracker rather than your teeth. Nutcracker absent? Pick something else to nibble on. According to Chussid, “one bad choice might result in a lot of unpleasant and expensive damage.”
  • Drink water: You will need a lot of energy for your holiday activities, so stay away from sugary juices, sports drinks, and sodas. Instead, consume fluoridated water to maintain strong, healthy teeth.

Even though the holidays might be very busy, you shouldn’t neglect your teeth. Don’t forget to visit your dentist in December if you need work done or are overdue for a cleaning.