Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How does a tooth feel after root canal?

In most cases, root canal treatment is predictable and very common. This procedure has an extremely high success rate when performed by an experienced and highly qualified specialist.

We should always take into account the possible complications, side effects, and risks associated with root canals before undertaking any dental or medical procedure.

Colour changes
Some patients can experience discoloration of their treated teeth if the pulp does not contain connective tissue, blood vessels, or nerves.

The tooth effectively dies once the pulp is removed. It is possible that the root of the dead tooth can start showing through the dentin in some cases. That only occurs in a very small proportion of cases. If this does occur, however, crowns or veneers can be used to improve their appearance aesthetically.

Sinus congestion
You may experience sinus problems after undergoing root canal treatment. This is fairly common. In some cases, the membranes in your nose can allow liquid in your jaw to leak out. As your sinus cavity and root canal are practically neighbors, you may experience this.

Most root canal patients are worried about this prior to their treatment. Incorrectly performed root canal treatments can lead to reinfection. The canals must be cleaned and disinfected by your dentist before fillers can be used. 

Root canal failure is, however, one of the most common risks. When your endodontist finishes the procedure, he or she will need to seal the access hole they used. Bacteria can re-enter a tooth if there are cracks or gaps in the seal and hence, causes infection.

Other Complicated situations
Root canal surgery can disrupt nerves which are around the affected tooth in an exceedingly small percentage of patients. In such cases, it may cause numbness around the affected tooth. You need not be concerned – this usually disappears after a few weeks.

Please be aware of the seriousness of your teeth after reading the above tips. You must inform your dentist immediately if you face any troubles mentioned above.
Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!