Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How many teeth can you lose before you need dentures?

Dentures are often thought to be for only senior citizens. The truth, however, is that dentures are much more common than you might imagine. Practicing good home health care and having regular dental checkups can prevent many patients from needing dentures. The following signs may indicate that you will need dentures in the future:

Your oral health routine does not include visiting the dentist every six months.
It is important to visit the dentist regularly. A bi-annual dental appointment keeps gum disease and tooth decay in check and allows your dentist to check for any changes in your teeth and gums. Once cavities and periodontal disease have taken hold, teeth may have to be extracted, resulting in the need for dentures.

Your teeth are crowded or shifting or there are gaps between them.
The presence of loose teeth often indicates advanced gum disease, say, dental health experts. A complex periodontal treatment may be required, or these teeth may need to be extracted.

The pain in your teeth is chronic.
Pain in the tooth can indicate that decay has reached the point where it is attacking the nerve in the tooth’s center. Even though tooth decay can be treated with a simple filling at an early stage, it may end up requiring the removal of teeth or the use of partial dentures if it reaches an advanced stage.

There is bleeding, swelling, or redness in your gums.
Periodontal disease or gingivitis often manifests itself as irritated gums. By using better oral hygiene at home and better cleaning at the dentist’s office, gum disease can often be prevented or reversed in the early stages. Gum disease, however, can progress to tooth loss, bone loss, and even dentures if not treated.

You are missing one or more teeth.
To prevent excessive pressure on the remaining teeth when an individual loses more than two or three teeth, experts recommend using some type of prosthesis. 

There is no reason for people to lose their teeth; today unless they neglect them by failing to brush, floss, and visit their dentist regularly. Make sure to take great care of your teeth if you want to keep them.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!