Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Is coconut oil good for teeth?

Coconut oil is an extremely versatile product. The benefits of coconut oil are boundless. Coconut oil is edible oil prepared from the kernels, meat and milk of coconut fruits of palm trees. There are two distinct types of coconut oil – copra oil and virgin coconut oil. The main difference between the two is that the latter contains a higher amount of vitamin E and bioactive compounds. From having nutritional value to hair and skincare properties, the wonders of this ingredient are indeed magical. But, there is a belief that that coconut oil is also good for teeth. Let us scratch beyond the surface and find out if coconut oil is beneficial for our teeth or not.

The Benefits of Coconut Oil for Teeth

  1. Lauric acid is one of the primary contents of coconut oil. This fatty acid is very helpful in tackling tartar and plaque buildup in our mouth and teeth as it an effective killer of bacteria and fungi.
  2. Coconut oil has natural cleansing properties that may prevent tooth decay.
  3. Coconut oil can be used as a natural mouthwash as it prevents the formation of bacteria inside our mouth. Thus, the use of coconut oil prevents tooth decay and tooth loss.
  4. Coconut oil also lessens teeth sensitivity.
  5. Coconut oil whitens teeth.
  6. Coconut oil reduces inflammation and calms down gum problems.
  7. It also prevents bad breath. Studies have shown that coconut oil mouthwash lads to fresher breathe within one week of its use.
  8. Coconut oil is the most preferred oil for oil pulling.

Thus, coconut oil has innumerable benefits for our teeth. The product is all-natural and does not have harmful chemicals. Hence, it is very safe to use. Also, coconut oil is very affordable and readily available.

Coconut Oil Dental Products

You can use different types of coconut oil dental products. It is found in toothpaste, tooth sprays, teeth whitening powders, mouthwashes, etc. Coconut oil-pulling products are also very popular. The oral detoxification qualities of coconut oil are fascinating. You can also prepare your own toothpaste with coconut oil. All you need to do is mix half a cup of coconut oil with two teaspoons of baking soda and 10 to 15 drops of peppermint essential oil and apply the pasty mixture to your teeth and brush gently.

In a nutshell, we can conclude that the benefits of coconut oil are obviously not limited to dental care. Coconut oil aids in improving the digestive system and boosting metabolism. Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer and is very good to keep your skin soft and youthful. It can also be utilized as an effective makeup remover. The best part about coconut oil is that it is easily absorbed by the body. To extract maximum benefits from this multi-purpose product, it is critical to use unrefined coconut oil without any additives.

PFA – In case of problems or discomfort related to teeth and gums, kindly visit your nearest dentist at the earliest.

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