Sterling Smiles Lucas


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Is it better to have a root canal or extraction?

Most people hope they never have to make this choice, but root canals or extractions are extremely common situations, when a tooth is severely damaged or decayed. It is important to understand each choice’s implications if your dentist has provided you with those options.

Saving teeth with root canals
In the case of a damaged, diseased, or dead pulp layer, a root canal is the only effective way to save your tooth. A small hole is drilled in the tooth, exposing the canals, and then the tooth is numb with a local anesthetic. 

The doctor removes decayed tissue and disinfects the canals as part of the treatment. Afterward, the canals are filled with gutta-percha, a biocompatible material and this prevents infection and fills in the canals. Once the tooth has been restored, your dentist will ensure it is further protected and functional. 

In most cases, root canal procedures cause little discomfort.

The tooth extraction process: letting go of the tooth
A tooth extraction begins with numbing the area entirely with a local anesthetic as a root canal. After loosening the tooth, your dentist will pull it out using special tools. Some pressure will be felt, and you may hear crackling and popping sounds, but it shouldn’t hurt. When you have a tooth extracted, you will likely bleed, so gauze will be placed in your mouth for 30-45 minutes after the procedure. When a back tooth is extracted, minor swellings and bruising are common. For the first 24-48 hours, use an ice pack for 15-20 minutes at a time.

Replacing the tooth after an extraction is important as this will prevent other teeth from shifting. From partial dentures to dental implants, there are many options for replacement. The dentist can help you choose the option that best fits your goals, budget, and needs.

Root canal versus extraction can be a difficult choice, but your dentist can advise you on the best choice for your tooth.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!