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Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

5 Ways To Prevent Oral Cancer

Thousands of people yearly are diagnosed with oral cancer, a devastating disease. The effects on one’s health and well-being can be devastating. The good news is that many instances of oral cancer can be avoided if precautions are taken. You can drastically lower your chance of acquiring oral cancer by making easy adjustments to your daily routine and sticking to sound dental hygiene practices. Five proven strategies for avoiding oral cancer are discussed here.

Top 5 Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer

  • Visits to the dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams

The early detection and prevention of oral cancer depend on routine dental checkups and oral examinations. Dentists have the expertise to detect mouth cancer and other diseases in their early, treatable stages. When you go in for routine dental care, your dentist will check your teeth, gums, tongue, and throat. They might also perform an oral cancer screening using advanced diagnostic equipment and methods.

The efficacy of treatment for oral cancer depends significantly on its diagnosis at an early stage. Having routine dental checkups allows for early detection of any abnormalities or worrisome lesions. Your dentist may recommend that you see a specialist for further diagnosis and care. Remember that prevention is always preferable to treatment, and frequent dental checkups allow early detection of problems.

  • Good Lifestyle Options 

Reducing your chances of having oral cancer is as simple as adopting a healthier way of living. Oral cancer is more likely to occur in people who engage in risky behaviours, including smoking and excessive drinking. Eliminating risk factors, including smoking and excessive alcohol usage.

Cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoking are major risk factors for developing mouth cancer. Tobacco’s carcinogenic compounds can destroy cells in the mouth and throat, increasing the risk of cancer. Quitting tobacco use is essential to preventing oral cancer and improving general health.

Drinking to excess is also a significant risk factor for developing mouth cancer. Mouth cancer is more likely to develop in irritated tissues, and alcohol consumption can aggravate such tissues. The chance of developing oral cancer can be drastically lowered by cutting back on alcohol consumption or giving it up altogether.

  • Sunscreen 

Exposure to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation can also exacerbate oral cancer. Always use lip and skin protection when out in the sun to avoid developing mouth cancer. Lip balm or lipstick with an SPF (sun protection factor) should be used outside, especially in midday and early afternoon. Protect your face and neck from the sun by donning a broad-brimmed hat.

  • A Well-Rounded Diet 

A healthy lifestyle, including a diet high in fruits and vegetables, can significantly reduce the risk of developing oral cancer. Boosting one’s immunity and fighting against cancer-causing cells, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables gives critical minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Eat a rainbow at every meal by incorporating foods like berries, leafy greens, carrots, and citrus into your diet. Vitamins A, C, and E, abundant in these foods, have been linked to protective effects against cancer.

  • Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential.

Preventing oral cancer is another critical benefit of keeping up with your oral hygiene routine. Regular oral hygiene, such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash, can prevent or delay oral cancer.

Use fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice daily, paying extra attention to the areas around your gums and tongue. To keep your teeth and gums healthy, it’s essential to floss every day. It would help to rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash.

Final Thoughts 

Frequent dental checkups, healthy lifestyle choices, sun protection, eating a balanced diet, and practising excellent oral hygiene are all important in preventing oral cancer. The chance of having oral cancer can be lowered considerably by incorporating these five practices into everyday life. Always remember the importance of early diagnosis and prevention in preserving your dental and general health, and act accordingly.