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What Happens If You Don’t Get A Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure designed to repair an infection or damage within a tooth’s pulp. While the thought of undergoing a root canal may be daunting, delaying this necessary treatment can lead to serious repercussions for both dental health and overall well-being. This article explores the risks and complications that can arise if a root canal is not performed.

Consequences of Avoiding a Root Canal:

Pain and Discomfort:

  • The primary reason for seeking root canal therapy is to alleviate pain from an infected or damaged tooth. Delaying treatment allows the infection to grow, leading to persistent and increasingly severe pain.

Infection Spread:

  • An infected tooth can become a hub for bacteria. Without treatment like a root canal, the infection can spread to adjacent teeth, gums, and the jawbone, potentially leading to dental abscesses and systemic complications.

Tooth Loss:

  • Infection spread can cause irreversible damage to the tooth and surrounding tissues. Without a root canal, tooth decay may lead to extraction, impacting eating, bite alignment, and aesthetics.

Increased Treatment Severity and Complexity:

  • Postponing a root canal can necessitate more complex dental procedures. As the infection worsens, treatment options become limited, often leading to more invasive and costly procedures.

Systemic Health Risks:

  • Oral infections can impact systemic health. The spread of oral bacteria into the bloodstream can lead to conditions like endocarditis or complications in individuals with compromised immune systems.

Financial Considerations:

  • Delaying root canal therapy can result in higher long-term costs due to severe dental infections and the need for extensive restorative procedures, often exceeding the initial cost of a root canal.

Effect on Quality of Life:

  • Neglecting a root canal extends beyond physical health, impacting daily life. Chronic pain, eating difficulties, and the stress of ongoing dental issues can adversely affect quality of life.

Psychological Consequences:

  • Dental anxiety can influence the decision to delay a root canal. However, allowing dental problems to worsen can exacerbate these fears, impacting mental health. Timely dental care, including root canal therapy, can alleviate these concerns.


Neglecting a root canal can lead to significant issues in dental health, overall well-being, and financial burdens. Risks include persistent pain, infection spread, tooth loss, increased treatment complexity, systemic health risks, and psychological impacts. 

Understanding the importance of root canal therapy and recognizing the necessity for prompt action is crucial in maintaining optimal oral health and preventing the progression of dental disorders.